Monday, January 27, 2020

Managing The Development Of Small Business Ventures

Managing The Development Of Small Business Ventures Nowadays, businesses are growing day by day. But inflation is becoming challenges in front of small and large types of businesses like there are many countries which are facing this problem. There are lots of countries which are increasing the price of their products day by day because of inflation. Inflation: There are negative and positive effects of inflation on small and large type of businesses. Some of businesses want to earn more money that is why they grow the prices of their products and it is also a part of inflation like in New Zealand the burger king (BK) raised the price of a double cheeseburger from $1 to $1.19 and they removed one slice of cheese from double cheeseburger on its dollar menu (they now call it the BK dollar double) due to the inflation dilemma that business ventures are dealing within the current economic environment. Sometimes some restaurant changes their prices on bases on national pay rate of labour like last year the pay rate of labour or minimum pay rate was $13.75. But now government has changed it from $13.75 to $14.25 and that is why BK’S costs are going up on the producer level because of higher commodity prices. Burger king (BK) cut the quantity and raise the price and they launched this burger with new name because they want to attract more a nd more customers and also want to earn more money by giving it new name like double cheeseburger to BK dollar burger. On the other hand, BK also have another reason to raise the price like in a healthy economy, BK would have simply raised the price of the burger. However with demand weak, BK is forced to cut its offering by giving its customers only 1 instead of 2 slices of cheese if they order from the dollar menu. Interest rate: An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower (debtor) for the use of money that they borrow from lender (creditor) like banks. Specifically, the interest rate is a percentage of principal paid a certain no. of times per period for example a company borrow a big/small amount of money/capital from bank to buy new assets for their businesses. There are some conditions are apply on loan like if any company borrow small amount of capital then they have to pay high interest rate on that money and there are less chances to expand the business as well. The chances of profit will goes down like Sak Strand bag Company. This company is a highly successful wholesaler of handbags since 1989. The company’s forte is fabricating high-quality handbags from distinctive, richly textured textiles. In 1999, after 10 very successful years in the handbags business, SS decided it was time to expand their products line. They expanded their products lines such as footwear, belts and jewellery. Mr. Falucci, CEO of this company played spin the wheel of growth and considered getting additional loan from the ANZID bank, the same bank who provided them the company its capital during its first year of operation. After getting loan they have to burden the interest rate of 10% of the amount loaned per month. Unemployment: Unemployment occurs when people are without work. There are positive and negative effects of unemployment like if people are unemployed then there are lot of negative effects. The profits will goes down because of unemployment in a business and the sales become less. Unemployment has negative effects on tax system like the tax will goes to high because of unemployment. On the other hand, due to unemployment there cheaper labour will be available and we can find more and more people who has good qualification or not for work. Maxx started the big business around of 85 restaurants in Sweden, compared to 40 jut five years earlier. From 2005 to 2010, max expanded extensively to the western parts of Sweden. Plans have been announced to expand to New Zealand in 2013/14. In their research of New Zealand employment market, the following information was January 2011 OECD figured reported youth unemployment in New Zealand at 19.4% the highest since the early 1990s and above the OCED average. The youth unemployment rate reported in September 2010 by the household labour force survey (HLFZ) was 16.2%, two and half times higher than the rate for all people. Young men and women have been disproportionately affected by the recession. Indeed youth unemployment has increased significantly since 2008 and is two and a half times more than adult rate. After getting this report, the New Zealand government provided the job assistance to the unemployed people and also organised the many programs by which they could start their own businesses means the government provided the knowledge to the people about the small and large type of business and how they can start these businesses. Investment spending: Money spent on capital goods used in production of capital, goods or services. Investment spending may include purchase such as machinery, land, production input or infrastructure. Investment spending should not be confused with investment means we have to have whole knowledge about that thing where we are going to spend our investment or money. In this condition we have to spend our money on right place or on right time. If we spend money on right place but the time is not perfect to spend money on business like high labour cost, high interest rate, high transport cost and so on at that time. In these conditions our company will goes to in loss before staring a whole business. Like a 31-year-old Chinese started a restaurant in Auckland, a business born of true opportunity. In, 2004 the team cobbled together $100000 in investment money and additional $500000 for investment spending and started a new company, Salvador’s kiwi food and beverage Ltd. This allowed them to open a co ffee house in central Auckland. After several hard times, the business started. After few years from start-up the business has been wonderfully successful. They invested their money at right time or at right place that’s why they got success and they also did hard work as team. Business confidence: In this, any person can start his own new business with fully confident. It means he has whole information about his business what he wants to do. Sometimes people feel very uncomfortable to start a new business with confidence because of lack of knowledge and confidence. Experience about business is important factor for business confidence like Boos and Goud used their experience at right time on a magazine prototype with $50000 capital from family and friends. They called the magazine Pink, to suggest that women can be both powerful and feminine. An ad recession time for under way and working women magazine had gone out of business in 2001, after 25 year run. When they launched the Pink magazine, there were not too much magazines because of recession. It was positive point for their business. They also used their experience like they started the meeting with big companies for their marketing and promotions and so on like coco-cola and Home Depot. With 300000 coaxed from advertisers over a one- year period, the first 98- page issue was produced in mid-2005. They earn $5 million in income from ads, conference, and syndication, they claim margin of 16%. They earn this large amount of money because they used their previous experience, time and they were fully confident. Share market: The share market is always depending on fluctuations of market prices or rates. When the company needs more money, they produce their shares in market. Sometimes the prices goes to high sometimes it goes to down because of fluctuation but when the prices of shares goes to very low then people (who bought the shares) complaint to the CEO of company about this. We have an example of share market fluctuation like JRV Company and it is NZ’s fastest growing company, the company has sustained a remarkable growth rate through a superior product, a very effective sales system and intensive marketing. The business selling construction supplies like cement, ceramic, tiles metal and structural beam and etc. these are coming from different companies in Europe. This franchise is still in its early stages in terms of market penetration, so the potential to grow revenues is enormous. Since the business is imported based, they monitor the flow of the share market. 1.5) (a) Increase in business: business confidence increase will increase the investment which will help to increase in the business. (b) Increase in jobs: due to the increase in business Pink will need more people which will increase the jobs in market. 1.6) sudden changes either up or down on the share market can affect the value of the New Zealand dollar on the international money market. If dollar will falls, import cost move which means importers have to cut margins or increase prices. 1.7) 1.7.1) Credit availability: lack of capital history may affect applications for capital investment expansions however a strong presentation highlighting the company’s rapid growth and success to date should go some way to offsetting that negative factor. 1.7.2) gross domestic product: wing zones target make is the highly mobile student sectors that traditionally service on fast food and have little consideration for long term financial matters and are not likely to be affected by GDP. All people have to eat even hard time so GDP factors may not have a major affection on wing zone. 1.7.3) national income: decreasing business profit and wages and salaries may cause reduced consumer spending in non- essential market sectors but generally food supplies and sales will maintained. 1.7.4 Money supply: reserve bank restriction on May supply may restrict or slow down the availability of funds for business expansion. 1.7.5 International trade: McDonald and burger king but they have an international business. They have their franchise almost in all country. Fast internet connection will develop their business and social media network that is best way to develop the business. 1.7.6 International Market Fluctuation International market fluctuation effect the stock market. They also affect a small business. 1.7.7Currency Fluctuation Fluctuation risk on the foreign Exchange their price will low and high they most effect on the small business. 1.7.8Balance of Payment Balance of payments accounts are an accounting record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world. These transactions include payments for the countrys exports and imports of goods, services, financial capital, and financial transfers Task 2 2.1 Disposable Income: -Disposable income is total personal income minus personal current taxes. In national accounts definitions, personal income, minus personal current taxes equals disposable personal income. They started a small business it is very hard to save amount because they need a best employers to work and best product goes to market and they also need a promotion like advertisement on TV, Newspaper, Magazines, Etc. 2.2 Population Trends: In population Trend How many people drink beers and how many people drink a wine in their life. Youth Generation not drink a wine 18-24 aged represent only 6% of wine consumed. But there is different choice in the market to buy a wine and beers choice available. 2.3 Building Permits: Building permit is a permit required in most jurisdictions for new construction, or adding on to pre-existing structures, and in some cases for major renovations. Generally, the new construction must be inspected during construction and after completion to ensure compliance with national, regional, and local building codes. Failure to obtain a permit can result in significant fines and penalties, and even demolition of unauthorized construction if it cannot be made to meet code. 1.7.6 International Market Fluctuation International market fluctuation effect the stock market. They also affect a small business. 1.7.7Currency Fluctuation Fluctuation risk on the foreign Exchange their price will low and high they most effect on the small business. 1.7.8Balance of Payment Balance of payments accounts are an accounting record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world. These transactions include payments for the countrys exports and imports of goods, services, financial capital, and financial transfers Task 2 2.1 Disposable Income: -Disposable income is total personal income minus personal current taxes. In national accounts definitions, personal income, minus personal current taxes equals disposable personal income. They started a small business it is very hard to save amount because they need a best employers to work and best product goes to market and they also need a promotion like advertisement on TV, Newspaper, Magazines, Etc. 2.2 Population Trends: In population Trend How many people drink beers and how many people drink a wine in their life. Youth Generation not drink a wine 18-24 aged represent only 6% of wine consumed. But there is different choice in the market to buy a wine and beers choice available. 2.3 Building Permits: Building permit is a permit required in most jurisdictions for new construction, or adding on to pre-existing structures, and in some cases for major renovations. Generally, the new construction must be inspected during construction and after completion to ensure compliance with national, regional, and local building codes. Failure to obtain a permit can result in significant fines and penalties, and even demolition of unauthorized construction if it cannot be made to meet code. Task 5 5.1 Internal Evaluation: Can have the meeting with the staff to find out the reason of the problem, give them the instructions to follow and perform the work in the correct way. External Evaluation: Have to identify the reason of sales which are going down at that stage and need to look for on the market position, Can take a professional assistance to find the reason of the problem and can take advice from professional finance advisor to find out the reason. 5.2 Decision making technique helps alot to choose the option to solve problem because while doing decision many factors come to be naked and we will get many option to solve a particular and we can also select most suitable solution for the problem. 5.2.1 Breakeven: The break-even is the point at which cost or expenses and revenue are equal: there is no net loss or gain, and one has broken even. A profit or a loss has not been made, although opportunity costs have been paid, and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return. 5.2.2 Decision tree: A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. It is one way to display an algorithm. 5.2.3 Payoffs approach: In this technique we use cash flow scenarios to model the future. We can use that data which is already available in the company. 5.2.4 Professional assistance: In this we ask help for a professional who is not a member of our business he is expert assistance. 5.2.5 Group decision making: Conduct a meeting with all member of organization. Solve the problem on this meeting. Every member names and priority issues and ranks it’s according to the work. 5.2.6 Cultural consensus methods: Cultural knowledge is shared and systematically distributed. A good decision is one which has taken into the different culture of all the member of the group. 5.3 5.3.1 Maori- owned and operated business Cultural consensus method: In this method we can share their knowledge. A good decision is one which has taken into the different culture of all the member of the group. Group decision making: They conduct a meeting with all member of organization. Solve the problem on this meeting. Every member names and priority issues and ranks it’s according to the work. 5.4.1 Owners who cannot get out of their own way. They may be stubborn, risk adverse, conflict adverse meaning they need to be liked by everyone (even employees and vendors who cant do their jobs). They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure. You know the problems but continue to make the same mistakes over and over. 5.4.2 Out-of-control growth. A successful business is ruined by over-expansion. This would include moving into markets that are not as profitable, experiencing growing pains that damage the business, or borrowing too much money in an attempt to keep growth at a particular rate. 5.4.3 Operational inefficiencies. Paying too much rent, labour, and materials. Not having the tenacity or stomach to negotiate terms that are reflective of todays economy may leave a company uncompetitive. 5.4.4 Dysfunctional management. Lack of focus, vision, planning, standards and everything are that goes in good management. Throw fighting partners or unhappy relatives into the mix, and the business is a disaster. 5.4.5 A declining market. The annual industry revenues are steadily declining because of the saturation of the market, the decrease in the market size, or the due to the introduction of a service, product or a technology from huge companies with more buying power and advertising dollars.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Chemical Kinetics Lab Raport Paper

FE 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENT-3 CHEMICAL KINETICS PREPARED BY BURAK COBAN PURPOSE: In this experiment we will study the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to form oxygen according to the net equation: 2H2O2 (aq) 2H2O(l) + O2 by measuring the rate at which oxygen evolved, we will investigate how the rate changes with varying initial concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and iodide catalyst. After we will study the affect of changing its concentration the rate oxygen evolution.At the end of experiment we will summarize our results by attempting to write a rate law for the reaction, showing the defences on the concentrations of H2O2 and I. THEORY: Chemical reactions can be fast (think of any explosion ) or slow . It is very important to understand what is affecting the rate of the reaction and what is the mechanism of the reaction with such knowledge, we can often control a reaction to proceed at just the speed we need. we can thus avoid an explosion or speed up a reaction t hat seems too slow. In this chapter we start out by discussing rates of reactions and the rate law.The rate law indicates the affect that the concentration of the reactants has on the reaction rate. In general, adding more of a reactant speeds things up (rather like pushing the gas pedal to put more gas into the car engine ). But how much faster is the reaction if say the concentration of a reactant is doubled ? the rate law will help us answer such equations. Another way to affect the rate of a reaction is to change the temperature. We refrigerate food to slow the rate of bacterial metabolism that can cause food to spoil. If we want food to cook faster, we increase the heat.We also look at why some reactions seem to need a â€Å"kick start,† although once started, they continue to react. We will examine the activation barrier to reactions and its implications. Rate laws and kinetics experiments also tell us a lot about the mechanism by which a reaction occurs. Understanding the mechanism gives us another way to control the reaction. This knowledge enables us to design better catalyst or to create new compounds (such as new pharmaceuticals) that will be more effective. Differential Rate Laws: In many reactions, the rate of reactions changes as the reaction progresses.Initially the rate of reaction is relatively large, while at very long times the rate of reaction decreases to zero. In order to characterize the kinetic behaviour of a reaction, it is desirable to determine how the rate of reaction varies as the reaction progresses. A rate law is a mathematical equation that describes the progress of the reaction. There are two forms of a rate law for chemical kinetics: the differential rate law and the integrated rate law. The differential rate law relates the rate of the reaction to the concentrations of the various species in the system.Differential rate laws can take on many different forms, especially for complicated chemical reaction. However, most c hemical reactions obey one of three differential rate laws. Each rate law contains a constant, k, called rate constant. The units for the rate constant depend upon the rate law, because the rate always has units of mole L-1 sec-1 and the concentration always has units of mole L-1. Zero – Order Reaction: For a zero order reaction, the rate of reaction is a constant. When the limiting reactant is completely consumed, the reaction abrupt stops. Differential rate law: R=k The rate constant. k , has units of mole L-1 sec-1. First – Order Reaction: For first order reaction, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of ane of the reactants. Differential rate law: R = k[A] The rate constant, k, has units of sec-1. Second – Order Reaction: For a second reaction, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the square of the concentration of one of the reactants. Differential rate law : R = k [A]2 The rate constant, k, has units of L-1 sec-1. MATERIALS: ? Funnel, Florence flask, Beaker, Pipette ? Thermometer, ring stand, ? Distilled water 0,2M KI, H2O and H2O2 ? Burette, Rubber stopper, rubber tubes. PROCEDURE: Part A: ? 10 ml 0,2M KI and 15 ml distilled water was taken the flask. ? Flask was swirled until the solution comes to the bath temperature. ? After that 5 ml % 3 H2O2 was added quickly and stopper the flask. ? One of us swirled the flask in the bath, other one observed the change of the volume. ? Other one recorded the time when approximately 2 ml of the gas was evolved. Part B: ? Same experiment was done by using; 10 ml of KI + 10 ml of H2O + 10 ml of H2O2 Part C: ? Same experiment was done by using; 20 ml of KI + 5 ml of H2O + 5 ml of H2O2DISCUSSION: In this experiment, we discussed the rate of reactions. Reaction rate changed with kinds of reactant. For example in part A we put 10 ml KI and 15 ml distilled water an the other hand; in part B we put 10 ml KI ,10 ml H2O and 10 ml H2O2. After we determined. We saw that part A is slower than part B for this reason we can say rate is changed by nature of reactants. Another important effect is temperature. If temperature is high value reaction finish quickly. Maybe our results were effected temperature Because we put flask in heat water and rate of reaction is faster than low temperature. REFERENCES: GENERAL CHEMISTRY:PETRUCCI & HARWOOD = QUESTIONS = 1. Chemical kinetics is the study of the speeds, or rates, of the chemical reactions. A small number of factors control how fast a reaction will occur. Investigation of these factors provides clues to the ways in which reactants are transformed into products in chemical reactions. Some of the factors that influence the rate of a reaction are: ? Concentration; ? Pressure (particularly for reactions involving gases); ? Temperature; ? Surface area (for reactions involving solids); ? Catalyst; 2. The rate of reaction; R= 1/3*[d[A] / dt] = -1/2 *[d[B] / dt] =1/4* [d[C] / dt] = d[D] / dt . in this experi ment we will investigate concentration of substance according to the rate of reaction. The rate of reactions are effected temperature, pressure of gases, concentrations and volume when one of products appears or one of the reactant is wed up. 4. 50 ml 2 MA 20 ml water added 30 ml 4 MB Initial conc. Of [A] =M=n/V n= 0,05*2=0,1 mol A Initial conc. Of [B] M = n/V n= 0,03*0,12 mol B After mixing; V total =100 ml = 0,1 L Final conc. Of [A] M= 0,1 / 0,1 = 1M A Final conc. Of [B] M =0,12 / 0,1 =1,2M B ———————– R= k R= k[A] R = k[A]2

Friday, January 10, 2020

Is Internet Better Than Teacher?

Is internet better than teacher? Today we are living in a modern world where science and technology are being used in every aspect of our daily life, which makes our life safe and comfortable. Internet is one of the key elements of our modern life. We use internet for communication, banking, entertainment, buying-selling, trading, tickets booking and for many other countless reasons. Most of all youngsters often use internet as a source of information for their educational purpose. Now a question arises if internet is better than teacher or not.Obviously internet is a great medium of learning or magnificent resources of teaching, but yet it no way equals to a living teacher. If we take internet as a medium of education, it can be called an ocean of information. Whatever we need in our school work or any assignment, all we need is a few strokes in the keyboard and in a second millions pages appear. Notes, lectures, video learning, audio assistance, dictionary and almost everything are available in the internet, is fairly sufficient to appease any inquisitive mind.In comparison to human teacher, internet is absolutely free, there is no time bound and different views for the same topic that provides us with more choices and give us an opportunity for broader analysis. Nowadays, it is possible to take exam or test on the internet, and with a digital checking system we can know our score almost immediately. This allows people to have college or even university degree from home. Some people claim the internet as to be a virtual teacher for many students.Although internet has been proved as an important factor in education system, but it can not be the alternate to a human teacher. It can be called merely a virtual teacher but not the real living teacher. Internet is like one way learning system, it is totally depends on the learner what or how he or she would learn. Unlike a human teacher there is no check and balance. So the possibility of exploitation is much great er.It is like a teacher who has no ears nor any emotion, that is to say internet is not interactive for dynamic and real teaching system. It can check a paper's spelling and grammar, but they cannot teach someone style or help clarify an idea. A real teacher interacts with students with their individual level of intelligence and their respective ability of learning. Some students are keen to learn whereas some are slow in progress, some are inattentive or some may have a tendency to despise the importance of education.Only a real human teacher can addresses these variations among the students by judging their attitude and he can take appropriate measures accordingly. Internet can enhance our knowledge, but it can not play the role of a teacher. During the schooling we not only learn the theories of science, mathematics or history but also learn discipline, morality, behavior and exchanging our views by improvising ideas, which is impossible in the virtual world of internet. Therefor e for the complete education, a teacher can not be replaced by internet

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Racism in the Sports Industry - 1594 Words

Living in 2014, we would like to believe that we have made great strides to eliminate racism within the United States. Through history we are able to see how ugly our nation was as it judged people by the color of their skin and in extreme cases killed them for it. Through law, we have been able to advance from such an ugly time, but yet we still see racism show its ugly head quite often. A great way to see such a transition is through sport. Sports have been around through segregation and very dark moments of racism in the United States. Sports have played an important role in the advancement of the Civil Rights Movement and have been our nation’s largest source of pastime and entertainment. Because of the exposure of sports through media and events for its viewers, sports have a large influence on our children and us. Today we see racism with sport as it seems that it has come to full circle with our history. The presence of racial minority professional athletes in the United States has long been an interesting dynamic of American social culture. Our group’s project sought to dissect examples of the interaction between the American mass media and its depiction/characterization of minority athletes. Although a plethora of established and peer-reviewed research exists in myriad of disciplines spanning communication to sociological theory covering this phenomenon, for the scope of this project, the authors decided to focus on anecdotal conveyances to offer the readerShow MoreRelatedSports Logo868 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Sports Logos an Insult to Aboriginals† By: Noah Augustine â€Å"Sports Logos an Insult to Aboriginals† is an essay explaining how professional sports teams use Indian symbols. Aboriginals find it very offensive when sports teams adopt their cultural icons. 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